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Mariaが提案する青物攻略の新メソッド プラグ未開のディープレンジ攻略 誘い上げ

The new method "SASOI-AGE"

This new method that Maria suggesting can catch low activity migratory fish, that can not be attracted by metal jigs.

Lure rotations that Maria suggesting

Morning prime time, high activity situation
Appeal wide range by top water pluggs.
After prime time
For high activity fish that sink to the bottoms.
Day time, for low activity fish
The new method "SASOI-AGE" will attract.

Lure action images

  • ①Let RERISE sink to the bottoms. (Sinking speed : 0.7 m / sec.)
    ②Make short jerking with slack line.
    ③Making a long jerk will generate a S-shaped swimming action.
    ④Let RERISE sink to the depth which we want to track. (About 5 ~ 10 m)
    ⑤Free falling
    ⑥Continue from ②~⑤