The new method "SASOI-AGE"
This new method that Maria suggesting can catch low activity migratory fish, that can not be attracted by metal jigs.
Lure rotations that Maria suggesting
- Morning prime time, high activity situation
- Appeal wide range by top water pluggs.
- After prime time
- For high activity fish that sink to the bottoms.
- Day time, for low activity fish
- The new method "SASOI-AGE" will attract.
Lure action images
- ①Let RERISE sink to the bottoms. (Sinking speed : 0.7 m / sec.)
②Make short jerking with slack line.
③Making a long jerk will generate a S-shaped swimming action.
④Let RERISE sink to the depth which we want to track. (About 5 ~ 10 m)
⑤Free falling
⑥Continue from ②~⑤